Friday, June 7, 2013

See Ya Later, Jonny

Inside TV-Oliver was talking to EW ahead of his three-month stint standing in for Jon Stewart as host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show while Stewart is directing his first movie, the dramaRosewater. Although Oliver will start fronting the show this coming Monday, the British comedian said that he has not been honing his host persona in demo shows. “No, because we have to do actual shows,” said Oliver, who in addition to his regular onscreen role as “correspondent” is one of the show’s writers. “There’s no real time. There is enough time in the day for us to produce a show and not more than that. The first demo show is going to be the first show.”

I don't watch much TV and I don't stray much from the stuff I do watch.  I know what I like.  My TV viewing is mostly limited to these shows: Live sports, Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory (judge me, I dare you.  Kaley Cuoco's tits are the real deal), Game of Thrones and The Daily Show.  And in case you've been living under a rock, Jon Stewart will be taking a break this summer to direct his first movie over in the Middle East.  For my money, Stewart is the best late-night host in the business.  He's just so damn good.  Not only is he funny, but he's legit one of the smartest people on the planet.  Just intellectually rips everybody in the smartest way possible.

This post doesn't really have a point other than I'm going to miss the shit out of Stewart over these next couple of months.  Alongside coffee, he's my daily stand by.  Always there to make me laugh like a little girl despite whatever shittiness the world throws my way.  Sure, I like Jon Oliver.  He's going to do a great job.  He's talented, smart, and more than equipped with that great staff of writers to hold down the fort the next couple of months.  I just know I'm going to miss getting my daily Jon Stewart fix.  Yes, it's safe to say I have a man crush on Mr. Stewart.

Have fun, Jonny.  I'll be awaiting your return.

PS- Seriously, if you have a problem with me staring at Kaley Cuoco's chesticles for 22 minute stretches then you might have the gay.  The show is fucking funny to boot.

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