Friday, June 7, 2013

Get It Son!

Heart, hustle and muscle coming from the ball boy down the 3rd base line at Wrigley today.  Never take a day off.

See Ya Later, Jonny

Inside TV-Oliver was talking to EW ahead of his three-month stint standing in for Jon Stewart as host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show while Stewart is directing his first movie, the dramaRosewater. Although Oliver will start fronting the show this coming Monday, the British comedian said that he has not been honing his host persona in demo shows. “No, because we have to do actual shows,” said Oliver, who in addition to his regular onscreen role as “correspondent” is one of the show’s writers. “There’s no real time. There is enough time in the day for us to produce a show and not more than that. The first demo show is going to be the first show.”

I don't watch much TV and I don't stray much from the stuff I do watch.  I know what I like.  My TV viewing is mostly limited to these shows: Live sports, Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory (judge me, I dare you.  Kaley Cuoco's tits are the real deal), Game of Thrones and The Daily Show.  And in case you've been living under a rock, Jon Stewart will be taking a break this summer to direct his first movie over in the Middle East.  For my money, Stewart is the best late-night host in the business.  He's just so damn good.  Not only is he funny, but he's legit one of the smartest people on the planet.  Just intellectually rips everybody in the smartest way possible.

This post doesn't really have a point other than I'm going to miss the shit out of Stewart over these next couple of months.  Alongside coffee, he's my daily stand by.  Always there to make me laugh like a little girl despite whatever shittiness the world throws my way.  Sure, I like Jon Oliver.  He's going to do a great job.  He's talented, smart, and more than equipped with that great staff of writers to hold down the fort the next couple of months.  I just know I'm going to miss getting my daily Jon Stewart fix.  Yes, it's safe to say I have a man crush on Mr. Stewart.

Have fun, Jonny.  I'll be awaiting your return.

PS- Seriously, if you have a problem with me staring at Kaley Cuoco's chesticles for 22 minute stretches then you might have the gay.  The show is fucking funny to boot.

LeBron Makes Excuses After Game 1 Loss

Bleacher Report- The San Antonio Spurs took one giant step toward realizing their ultimate goal with a 92-88 win over the Miami Heat in Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night.  LeBron told head coach Erik Spoelstra that he needed a breather in the 4th quarter.

Classic LeBron right here.  Things don't go his way so he has to make excuses.  Isn't this the same guy who made fun of Dirk Nowitzki a couple years ago during the Finals for saying he was sick?  LeBron is the world's biggest hypocrite.  I know he had a triple double last night but for him to come out and play the "I was tired" card is such a pussy move.  Yeah, you played a 7 game series against a tough Indiana Pacers squad.  So?  Get over it.  You're the best player on the planet.  Do you think Michael Jordan would be crying after last night's loss?  Of course not.  He'd be using the loss as fire to drive his homicidal bloodlust for winning.  Face it, LeBron.  The Spurs and Tony Parker made more plays down the stretch and that's why you lost.  You wanna not be tired?  Then take care of business and finish off the Pacers in 4 games like the Spurs did to the Grizzlies.  It's that simple.

This fucking guy.

Wake Up with Giada De Laurentiis

I didn't know this chick existed until I saw her on Conan last night absolutely killing it in a red dress.  Apparently she's some sort of personality on the Food Network.  To me, she's Italian Natalie Portman with bigger cans.  I'll take it.

Here's her apperance on Conan last night.  SMOKE.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And The Cubs 2013 First Round Pick Is......Kris Bryant

Love the pick.  Absolutely love it.  Welcome to the Chicago Cubs, Mr. Bryant.  Sure, the Cubs farm system is a barren desert when it comes to high ceiling starting pitchers and with Jonathan Gray still on the board it had to be a tough choice between Gray and Bryant but the Cubs nailed it.  Bryant led all college players in home runs this season and has the most power potential of any bat in the draft and could develop into the Cubs future third baseman or outfielder.  Josh Vitters, you've officially been put on notice.

Bud Selig killing the hair game per usual.

Miss you, Kerry.

Hawk Harrelson Went Silent For a Full 40 Seconds After Kyle Seager's Grand Slam Last Night

So funny.  Hawk Harrelson is so butt hurt during this clip and I love it.  He just can't come to grips with what happened.  I wouldn't be surprised if he was chugging whiskey from a flask during that silence as Steve Stone looked on in horror.

This clip leads me to a question though: How does Hawk still have a job?  His job is to provide play-by-play, not just sit and pout like a little kid whenever his beloved White Sox do something stupid.  White Sox fans will say, "He's just passionate, that's all" or "That's just Hawk".  Fuck that.  Do your job.  Did you see Big Cat take the night off after the Blackhawks lost Game 3?  I didn't think so.

Smoking Alcohol Is A Thing? Smoking Alcohol Is A Thing

TIME- Any sort of excessive drinking is dangerous, be it via beer bongs or pouring shots into the eye socket. But now some drinkers are taking it even further and “smoking” alcohol. The questionable practice, which has potentially scary consequences, has various permutations.To get drunk, people are getting creative.  Read more:

People are fucking crazy and this is proof.  Listen, I'm Irish and I love to drink.  I'm not here to pass judgement on anybody that loves to get hopped up on the sauce.  I'm all for facing enough Jameson to kill an adult rhino.  I'm all for bonging beers until my liver screams for mercy.  Hell, get me drunk enough, pour me a few tequila shots, and I'll show you the definition of blacked out.  But smoking alcohol?  Call me old fashioned but that's the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard of.  And the way the article makes it sounds is people are doing it for weight loss purposes.  Shit, drink a Miller 64 or something like Pres and Nomar.  You don't need to free base Ciroc in order to lose weight.  Whenever the words "the alcohol goes straight to the brain" and "doesn't lose any of its potency" are involved, I'm out faster than a fat kid in dodgeball.  I'll just continue pounding Bud Lights, building up my glorious beer belly and holding onto my brain cells.  What will people think of next?

With all of that said, I can't hate on the innovation.  If you're not moving forward, you're falling behind.  It's just bat shit crazy is all.