Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hawk Harrelson Went Silent For a Full 40 Seconds After Kyle Seager's Grand Slam Last Night

So funny.  Hawk Harrelson is so butt hurt during this clip and I love it.  He just can't come to grips with what happened.  I wouldn't be surprised if he was chugging whiskey from a flask during that silence as Steve Stone looked on in horror.

This clip leads me to a question though: How does Hawk still have a job?  His job is to provide play-by-play, not just sit and pout like a little kid whenever his beloved White Sox do something stupid.  White Sox fans will say, "He's just passionate, that's all" or "That's just Hawk".  Fuck that.  Do your job.  Did you see Big Cat take the night off after the Blackhawks lost Game 3?  I didn't think so.

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