Thursday, June 6, 2013

If The Cubs Don't Draft This Guy Tonight I'm Gonna Be Pissed

So as about .00000005% of the population knows, tonight is the Major League Baseball draft.  It doesn't get near as much fanfare as the NBA and NFL drafts but for baseball nerds like myself it's still a pretty big deal.  All the hype is surrounding guys like Mark Appel, Jonathan Gray and Kris Bryant.  I'm here to tell you that the hype is way off base because no on is talking about Alex Buccilli of Coastal Carolina and his absolutely awesome batting stance.  Keith Law and Jonathan Mayo need to get their shit together.  Look at that picture above.  No, look again.  Have you ever seen anything cooler than that?  When Kanye West rapped the words, "Swagger on a hundred thousand trillion" he was talking about Alex Buccilli and his batting stance.  Nothing says, "Fuck you I'll be doing what I want in this batters box and you can't stop me" like that stance.  I don't want the Cubs to draft Alex Buccilli, I need the Cubs to draft Alex Buccilli.

PS- My go to batting stance when playing softball is the Sammy Sosa circa 1998 but you can bet your ass the next time I step into a batters box I'm breaking out The Buccilli right in the pitchers eye.

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